Andrea Harman
Professionally Andrea research’s and investigates the links between the built environment and health and well-being. With a 'background in acoustics (how sound affects people) and experiencing the sensory impacts of dementia on family members Andrea began researching how spaces enable or disable people from visiting and taking part in activities. This led to a MSc. in the study of dementia, with membership of the FODDAA Andrea hopes to help improve community accessibility for people living with dementia.
Jim Bell
Jim is Artspace Cinderford's Development Director, working with key funding organisations to ensure that Artspace continues to support disadvantaged people in Cinderford and the wider Forest of Dean communities. Jim also looks after Artspace's mindSCAPE project, a creative wellbeing project supported by the National Lottery Community Fund and the Forest of Dean District Council that works with older people with dementia and their carers in the Forest. When he isn't at Artspace, you might find Jim playing his ukulele at forest open mic nights, usually being upstaged by his significantly more talented 6-year-old son.
Alex Digby
Alex is FVAF’s Digital Inclusion Projects manager, working across various projects and partnerships to reduce the Digital Divide and in increase inclusion across Gloucestershire. FVAF stands for Forest Voluntary Action Forum. They offer support to local people and community groups to do the things that matter most to them. This includes support & development, volunteer recruitment and placement. Whilst FVAF have been a supporter of DAA since is creation, Alex joined as a member in early 2022 when becoming involved in Project Engage- The project formed by DAA – acquired technology such as: Alexa, Echo dot and similar devices which can aid the care of people with cognitive disabilities ad illness in their own home. By having access to the technology people can test, try out and receive training and support prior to making a purchase. This project hopes to not only unlock the potential of assisted technology, but to also increase peoples access- leading to more positive impact technology can bring to people living with dementia and their support networks.
Gemma Doyle
Community Dementia Matron - Complex Care at Home
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Gemma has been working with people who live with dementia for over 15 years now and feel it is a real privilege to be able to support people to maintain their independence and continue to enjoy life despite some of the challenges that often come along with this diagnosis. Gemma has both a personal and professional interest in dementia and feels that service like the FODDAA is so important in helping people to feel included still.